A guide to online marketplaces and how to build one from

Essential elements
of a marketplace | eCommerce
What is it?
The products and services on offer need to be visible to end customers somewhere. This
is the eCommerce section and it should have the following aspects:
■ It should clearly show which products are sold by which merchant to give end
customers transparent information before they make a purchase
■ End customers should be able to find and compare all similar products by price,
ranking, shipping methods, additions to the product, and other filters
■ Information should be available on all merchants such as rating, customer opinions,
shipping methods on offer, and cost
■ End customers should be able to communicate with merchants directly to ask
questions, place orders, and make complaints
■ Shopping carts should be able to handle products from multiple merchants
■ Customers must be able to make only one payment, even if the goods they choose
come from a number of merchants

Read more about it from Divante who specialised in Enterprise Marketplace Development: https://www.divante.com/hubfs/ebooks/online-marketplaces.pdf