Bulk Listing from CSV file


Is it possible to create listings in bulk? Have a lot of items as listings organized on google sheets and was wondering if I could upload a csv file to Tradly to have the listings.

Thank you.

Hi @Subzero
Welcome here. Yes this is something on roadmap. We made a POC sometime back and then had some changes in the Roadmap.

Few Things we planned are:

  • Download a sample template
  • And the template will have mandatory fields to be added

Bulk edit that may not be easily on the first version is

  • You cannot add images for the listings. So you need to bulk upload all the images into media manager and then you might need to tag, @thahaseen Right?
  • Not possible: You will not be able to upload custom fields for the listings. Only pre-configured fields would be available.

However for us to go deep on this, Do you have any sample data on what you would eventually want to have?

@thahaseen Any estimation we can share on this?

Hi @jkbaseer
Pleasure to be here.

Sample data at the moment is a list of fruits and vegetables with having subcategories. For example having “Apple” as Order 1 in category. Then having “Red” as order 2. Essentially organizing produce by their main category and sub categories.

Hi @Subzero
Got it. So this is not per say LISTINGS data, but bulk category upload?

Trying to align on this before we prioritise.

Hi @jkbaseer

Sorry for the confusion. It is indeed not listing data, but the category bulk upload.

When I was referring to listing I meant the “listings” menu under the “Platform Setup” which then takes you to adding the categories.

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Got it. Will get back on this in a week or two.

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Hi @Subzero
The bulk category upload is available now. You will be the first one to test :slight_smile:

If there is any feedbacks to improve the experience, let us know!

We are improving the Sample file while I’m writing this to you. May be in another 2 days, will enhance this and update you.

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Unfortunately the “select file” button is not working in import section. Same issue with the media upload button. Please see screen capture for more info: Tradly - YouTube

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I updated my chrome and the buttons work! The cursor appears as the text cursor when I hover over the button, but the button works and is clickable for both media upload and import of bulk listings

@jkbaseer When downloading the Bulk upload csv template, I get an HTML file in the csv.

Any update on bulk item listing @jkbaseer ?

What’s the issue you are facing? This is a 2 year old post.

When attempting bulk item upload via .csv, I get the following: “Error: Invalid account on Row 2. Value: Demo Customer”.

The data in Column 2, Row 2 is "Demo Customer, " the column header in the template you provide is “account_id,” but I have been unable to deduce what data is required in that field. I did try creating a seller account and using the ID (name) I assigned it, but that produced the same error. Is the data in the “account_id” column on your bulk item import template meant to be User ID? Thank you


The Account ID refers to a unique identifier for the account. The name is not the same as the Account ID.

To assist you better, could you provide a single row of your data and the link to your seller account details page on your website? With this information, I can guide you on how to retrieve the data and resolve the issue.

Thank you.

No option to upload my .csv, so here is the single line of data you requested:

59602000000250853 store LB5220 missing 23081 USD 0.00 missing missing missing LB5220 missing missing missing missing missing listings Yes

Hello and thank you, @AhsaUllah ,

I’ve attached the template I downloaded from Tradly, with a single row of the temp data I’m using to familiarize myself with Tradly (and thereby determine if this solution is a fit for us). The data in the account_id is whatever Tradly requires, whether assigned by Tradly or what we enter in the .csv as a placeholder.

Is the data for this field auto-assigned by Tradly? I’m just trying to ingest some data so I can tinker with features and functionality.

Thank you

Hi @totemicbrands
Jumping on here. Can you send the template? We don’t find the attachment.