For your reference, here are the details about the available merge tags:
General Merge Tags:
{app_color_primary} → The primary color of the app, likely used for styling the email.
{business_name} → The name of the business sending the email.
{business_logo} → The business’s logo (URL to the image).
{business_address} → The address of the business.
{order_creation_date} → The date when the order was placed.
{order_reference_number} → A unique reference number for tracking the order.
{delivery_address} → The customer’s delivery address.
Order Items (Looping Section):
This section loops through all the ordered items:
{#each order_items}
{order_listing_title} → The name or title of the product purchased.
{order_listing_quantity} → The quantity of that product.
{order_listing_price} → The price of the product.
{/each order_items}
Pricing Breakdown (Looping Section):
This section loops through pricing details (e.g., subtotal, taxes, discounts):
{#each pricing_items}
{order_pricing_name} → The type of pricing (e.g., “Subtotal,” “Tax,” “Shipping Fee”).
{order_pricing_amount} → The amount corresponding to that pricing type.
{/each pricing_items}
- {order_grand_total} → The final total amount to be paid, including all charges and discounts.
Thank you.