Coming Soon Pages for projects which not launched yet

I would love to hear how I can make this possible or even have my marketplace offline so people can’t see anything.

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Hi, is it possible to add this feature? I am in the process of building email lists for buyers and sellers and this would be extremely helpful to stop people accessing the website before launch.

Hi Gavin
We understand your point and it makes sense.

To solve this challenge temporarily:

  1. Go to your domain settings in workspace > click reset > it will remove your main domain and put back the url

  2. As your domain is free now, you may use landing page solution temporary to collect email address, etc.

We have been trying to work on our Page RULES capability. And this is taking some time which we might release end of this quarter with full functionality done. Once that is done, you can restrict any pages to access as per your need.

Okay thank you, I will try this.