Plain text comments box in the order detail page that buyers and sellers can add to (but nobody can delete from).
- This would create a conversation history between buyer and seller.
- It would also allow a buyer provide information to the seller eg for a custom necklace i would like the name “sarah” adding
- It keeps an audit trail of conversations between buyer and seller within the platform
Your suggestion about adding information in the order details page is great! We’ll definitely talk about it internally and let you know the outcome.
By the way, we already have a feature that might interest you—it’s called “QNA” and it’s available on our listing details page. It’s a great way for buyers and sellers to share and gather product details. Plus, it’s helpful for other buyers looking for similar information. Give it a try and let us know what you think!
I agree the Q&A is a great feature for general product questions.
For specific order information though all conversations currently have to be off tradly which is such a shame. But thanks for raising it with the team