Digital Download & Bank Transfers?

Am I correct thinking that if I offer bank transfer as a payment method on my platform, Im not able to disable this method for digital downloads?

Therefore the download would be fulfilled before the buyer has paid potentially and could result in the buyer not paying.


You’re totally right about that . Currently, if you offer different types of listings (like products, events, digital items) and allow bank transfers (COD) for payment, there’s a risk of buyers downloading digital items without paying.

But no worries, we’re here to enhancing and updating it as soon as possible. We’ll make sure that buyers can’t choose bank transfer (COD) for digital purchases. We’ll keep you posted on when these changes are ready.

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Added to that, I noticed that the cancel order button appears for buyers on an instant download…
This means Buyer can cancel an order (reverse the payment) even though the file may be an instantly delivered.


We have updated our payment system. For digital product orders, the Cash on Delivery (COD) payment option will no longer be available. Instead, buyers will see other available payment methods.

Thank you.

Additionally, our team is already working on ensuring that canceled orders for digital products will not be displayed. We will inform you as soon as this update is implemented.

Thank you.