Enabling accounts to both buy and sell, as opposed to the current store versus user system?

*We regret to inform you that modifications to this aspect are not feasible. This pertains to a system-level functionality crucial for distinguishing between a standard user and a seller.

For ordinary users, those perusing listings and making purchases, the system refrains from displaying any seller-related information to prevent potential confusion.

On the other hand, accounts encompass all features pertinent to sellers. For instance, in the context of utilizing a platform like Stripe Connect, Tradly is obligated to transmit SELLER details (referred to as an account in Tradly terms) for Stripe’s procedural purposes, such as the facilitation of its verification processes, including Know Your Customer (KYC) procedures for seller validation.

A User can

  • Sign up , Add item to wish list, Make Orders
  • Browse his orders, etc.

But A User cannot or doesn’t need to.

  • Receive emails to do KYC
  • Share his bank account to receive payouts
  • And has multiple menus that is related to Seller or Business Owner.

So when a user want to also become a seller, then he/she can create ACCOUNT to get all these features.

May be you have some challenges, so if you share your challenges in detail, we can see if there is an alternative solution to that.

As always, looking forward to support you.