Entering location in different languages

Hi! I need to enter address to listing location in different languages. Right now it accepts only in English. How can enter location address in other languages?

Hi Kemal,
Thanks for sharing here. Can you share screenshot? The team tried with foreign language and it works. Are we on the same page?

The problem is that you can type in different language, but it will not search for location, unless you type it in English. It searches location only in English language.

Hi Kemal,
We are checking this, will see how to handle this scenario.

Hi @Kemal
Can you send some video recordings or screenshot on what you tried? We can’t reproduce the issue.

Also if you want more accuracy, you can integrate Google Maps: Google Maps - Tradly

As you can see from the screenshot when I enter an address in different language it could not find it. But when I enter the same address in english it finds it.

Hi @Kemal
We went to find more details for you to fully understand this solution. There are few informations we have identified, and we will keep you posted within this week.

Hi Kemal,
Sorry for the delay in solving your location issue. We are having new feature releases in SuperAdmin and also new templates releases. That is affecting us to take care of this request. If you have any other issues, comment here.