How does one unpublish/take down the website temporarily?

Hello @jkbaseer

Is there a way in which I can temporarily take down the website, while it’s undergoing maintenance.

Look forward to hearing from you!


Hello @jkbaseer @AhsaUllah

How may I temporarily take down/upublish the website, while it’s undergoing maintanance?

Kindly advise.


Hi ,

While there isn’t a direct way to unpublish your website, here are a few methods you can use to achieve a similar effect:

  1. Create a New Workspace:

You can create a new workspace on our main website here. Use this workspace to design your site. Once it’s ready, duplicate it, set it as the primary workspace, and connect your domain to it.

  1. Display a “Coming Soon” Page:

Another option is to create a “Coming Soon” page. To do this, go to the editor and create a new page. When prompted, select “Home” from the “Select Page to Replace” list. Design your “Coming Soon” card here, which will be visible to visitors. For a step-by-step guide, you can watch this video tutorial (just select “Home” as the page to replace).

Thank you .

Thank you for guiding @AhsaUllah.

Just to clarify, the video tutorial is on how to make a customer feedback form. Is this the video that I must refer to for guidance?


Hello @AhsaUllah

Awaiting confirmation from your end.

I just sent you a video as a suggestion on how to create a custom page for the ‘Coming Soon’ section on the homepage. Please note that the video is just an example and not specifically about creating a ‘Coming Soon’ page. You can refer to it as an example on how to create a custom page.

Thank you.

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Hello @AhsaUllah

Thank you for clarifying!

Thanks @kohlishaahn
for sharing

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