How to create bundles offering / special packages in Listings?

There are cases you want to create different price for the same product based on your business needs. You can use variants with discount % (offer %) to achieve this. You can experience this whole thing in this test website:

Step1 : SuperAdmin

Create Variants and it’s type with anything you want to do. Keep testing different ideas without worrying about making mistakes. You can always delete and edit them again.

Step2: SuperAdmin

Activate this to collect the data in ADD LISTING form. (Note: Once we have V2 Editor for add listing form, you will not be coming here to activate this)

**Also activate the offer % as well **

Step3 : Your end user website (for marketplace)

In add listing form, you will get option like this under listing form

Your users can use the variant types you have configured in SuperAdmin

And they can keep adding multiple variants

THE MATRIX VARIATION is not available in web yet even through there is API and available in mobile apps. We are hoping to finish this week


Once the variant types are added in Superadmin level (backend), you need to activate in EDITOR for front end level activities.

- Use this variant block

- Select how you want the variant type to be shown (List, Text, dropdown) - Recommended is LIST


Once added and published, you will see result like this

If you have any questions, let us know.

Here is an update to the Matrix Based Variants.

The video demonstration will explain all the things you need to know about Matrix Variants.

Example: Matrix Variants are