Issue with 'See all' in footer

Hello @jkbaseer

In the footer of the website, under ‘All Categories’ when one clicks on ‘See all’, it remains in place and appears in between the categories.

I have attached images FYR.

Requesting you to please look into it.

Shaahn Kohli


The “See All” button is designed to expand or hide other categories and will remain there as part of the default setup for that footer category block.

Could you please clarify what you want for the “See All” button? Do you want it positioned at the bottom, or are you looking to display the entire list of categories?

If you need additional functionality for that same block, let us know, and we can share your request with our development team.

Thank you.

Hello @AhsaUllah,

The see all button is of great use to me, however I would want the button to move down to bottom of the list after it has been clicked on. ( I have illustrated my request below)

Okay, I’ll inform our development team. Hopefully, they can set up a new feature like that. If they do, I’ll let you know.

Thank you!

Thank you @AhsaUllah, I look forward to the update!