Phone Numbers Not Provided (to seller)

Is there a way for the seller to always get the Buyers phone number?

It’s great when - a physical product is purchased, the buyer get all the customer information (email, phone and address) regardless whether it’s delivered or collected.

It’s NOT great when - the Seller only gets an email address of the buyer. This happens for all bookings, services and downloads. Such a small detail omission can cause really bad customer service.

An example why a phone number given to the seller is essential could be…

Buyer buys a ticket to event
Event / appointment gets cancelled unexpectedly.
Seller can only email the buyer to notify them
but the buyer doesn’t check their email regular and goes to the event unaware
The buyer finds out its cancelled when they arrive and is very angry they weren’t phoned
Platform is blamed and the seller.

Could the buyer be forced to add their phone number at sign up, then this could be added to the customer info in the order detail page?

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