Social Logins for our users to quick sign in

Question by developer:
We want to provide Social Logins for our users to quick sign in.

I found Google Login and Facebook Login integrations in this page.

It only asks for Client ID to the setup. But I feel that we need one API from your end to get access token and refresh tokens.

Please let me know if I miss anything.

My Assumption

We need to generate Client ID and Client Secret from Google and Facebook and provide to you.

We need one API to authenticate Tradly server by some token generated from Google Login or Facebook Login.

Yes, you will need to call social login API, here is the cURL

curl --location --request POST ‘
–header ‘Content-Type: application/json’
–header ‘Authorization: Bearer <publishable_key>’
–data-raw ‘{
“provider”: “google”,
“token”: “”,
“platform”: “ios”

Provider is either ‘google’ or ‘facebook’

token is from google or facebook after OAuth from their side

platform is either ios or android and is mandatory for ‘google’

In the response you will get user object along with keys like login or register api response.