I’ve integrated facebook pixel in my website.
However, Facebook commerce cannot automatically update my catalogue or get feed from my website.
I quote. “Not ready. Products can’t be automatically added, updated or deleted from your catalogue because required microdata tags are not added to your pixel installation.” Unquote
According to them, there are certain required fields missing.
These are, id, price and availability.
We have been planning to add this integrations but it’s not possible as of now
You can use google sheet for it
Keep the facebook catalogue template in Gsheet (name: template)
Download the listings from SuperAdmin
Paste in Google Sheet in one sheet (name: source)
Formulated sheet, you can use formula to refer the data from source sheet (name: cleaned data)
Now you can copy the data and paste only values in template sheet.
So this template sheet can be connected to catalogue.
We understand this is not an ideal situation, the google sheet plugin will help you to automatically pull the superadmin listing data into google sheet. This will reduce the steps
The same method can be used for google shopping as well
copy and paste the tradly columns into the google sheet generated from google commerce.ie, product id, description, price etc.
to fill the image url column in google spreadsheet, right click the product image in superadmin and copy image address, paste it in image url for the product. Do same for all the products.
copy the google spreadsheet url and past it in facebook catalog feed.
congratulations. your products are showing on both google commerce and facebook catalog
Paste the request URL. For Listings: You can put like in the screenshot, but here is the detailed with more filters https://api.tradly.app/products/v1/listings?page={{page}}&per_page={{per_page}}&price_from=10&price_to=20&search_key=milk&sort=relevance&category_id=231&account_id=1
send page =1 and per_page 30 (or as you wish) max is 100 records
(I think the max 100 records could be an limitation)
Add the Header like how it’s shared in the screenshot. After the bearer. the token that start’s with “b18…” is copied from Superadmin API section (Publishable key)